Luca Campestri
Quatrième Paysage
Jacopo Risaliti
Claudio Valerio
The Others
Stand 6 Red
The stand proposed by Studio la Linea Verticale gallery is characterized externally by a binary chromatic code and internally by a tendency towards verticality. The chosen artists synthesize their ascendant poetics in a complex black and white language. The three-dimensional and bi-unitary center of gravity of the stand, around which the two-dimensional works rotate, is composed of the two white marble sculptures of the very young Jacopo Risaliti, which intervenes on it by carving black coal furrows, rounds and lines, which compose secret codes of an esoteric alphabet. Exploring the walls counterclockwise we encounter the ghostly manifestation coming from the remembering mind of Luca Campestri, visible through the black mirror readable as a sound wave which, expanding, creates a vibrational atmospheric layer. A small black box has recorded the artist's faded nostalgic memories and encloses them in a casket whose key is itself the treasure. Above the pale marbles the photographic levitating icons depicting the digital divinities of the duo Quatrième Paysage: each seat, suspended in the lotus position, guards the peak assigned to it with an omniscient gaze. Computerized Adam and Eve, woven into an opalescent network that stands out against a completely black background, decompose in the computer universe. Closing the stand are the extra-dimensional shadows of Claudio Valerio, opaque pictorial presences eager to embody themselves in matter. Animated dark spots, daughters of fire, attempt an escape from the rough canvas through a materialization in the rediscovered dark element of coal. The two-dimensional media of video, photography and painting meet in the three-dimensionality of sculpture and found a new system of achromatic language in the space of the stand.
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