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Studio la Linea Verticale was born in May 2022 from an idea by Giovanni Avolio and Vale Palmi. The spaces that characterize it, intimate and impregnated with white, take on the features of a think tank, a necessary and ideal place of concentration to be able to assert: "I study the Vertical Line". The bidirectional research, towards the top and the bottom, undertaken by the gallery does not allow for misunderstandings: a radical detachment from the horizontality of ordinary life is necessary to try to observe the verticality of the extraordinary. Traveling from deep to high and vice versa, with a study method based on artistic practice, the gallery invites reflection on the fundamental questions that have accompanied man throughout his history: Where do I come from? Who I am? Where am I going? The contemporary artists who can answer these supreme questions are substantial and sensitive personalities, whose art rejects the superficial and vague trends that are expanding around, and is radicalized with a shift on a line of thought tending to the ineffable and the spiritual. Thus abandoned the horizontality, alienating illusion of ordinary life, they try to go down and up the line, probing baseness so dark as to become blinding heights and vice versa, in an infinite reversal where every reality is dual. I study the Vertical Line because it is the only way that leads to the ineffable and the only way to climb it is to try to know its laws. We will decisively reject every void of meaning, every nullification of intentions, every bit of nothing that plagues the contemporary; and when they ask us what we are looking for with such use of time and energy, we will proudly answer that we are looking for the Void, the Nothing, the Nothingness with a capital letter, and that the only way to achieve it is to build it.