Navid Azimi Sajadi (Teheran 1982) si forma in pittura presso la Facoltà di Architettura della Azad University di Teheran e all'Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma. Nel 2009 ha vinto il Premio Amedeo Modigliani e dopo aver conseguito il Master of Fine Art in MultiMedia Sculpture presso l’Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma, nel 2013 ha partecipato alla IX Biennale di Shanghai. Nel 2018 ha vinto la IX Edizione del Premio Combat nella sezione di disegno e grafica e ha partecipato al progetto The Bridge, ambiente 1 al MACRO Museo di arte contemporanea di Roma. A maggio 2019 ha vinto il Premio Viero per l’arte contemporanea. Dal 2012 realizza mostre e installazione in vari istituti e musei in Iran, Emirati Arabi, Turchia e Inghilterra. Il suo lavoro riflette la sua esperienza personale tra le due culture, occidentale e mediorientale, antica e contemporanea. I codici interculturali vengono manipolati per creare immagini le cui forme, legate ai ricordi, creano un ambiente metaforico in cui gli spettatori possono collegare una vasta gamma di significati, di indicatori di tempo e di spazio. Uno scorcio visivo, un crocevia dove si incontrano storia, mitologia, alchimia ed esoterismo. La letteratura esoterica persiana, i riferimenti religiosi e mitologici, dal mondo antico alla nostra società contemporanea, hanno creato lo spazio metaforico dentro il quale scorre l'opera di Navid.
NAVID AZIMI SAJADI / 1982 TEHRAN - IRAN EDUCATIONS 2013 Biennial diploma at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome in multimedia sculpture, Italy. 2009 Diploma at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome, Italy. 2005 B.F.A in Painting from Azad Art University, Tehran, Iran. ART PRIZEX 2009 Amedeo Modigliani Foundation prize, first edition, Rome, Italy. 2010 Shortlisted artist, MOPCAP prize Dubai, Dubai-London. 2018 Combat Prize, 9th edition, Museo G. Fattori, Livorno, Italy. 2018 Resilienza, Officina Ars, Villa Sistemi Reggiana, Reggio Emilia, Italy. 2019 Viero Prize for Contemporary Art, Lucca, Italy RESIDENCIES 2023 CFPR - UWE Bristol art residency, Bristol, United Kingdom. 2023 Çukurova contemporary artist residency, Tarsus 2022 Le Maison de Barbara residency, Ayvalik, Turkey. 2020 Castello della Zisa, Palermo, Italy. 2018 Macro Asilo stanze d’artista, MACRO museum, Rome, Italy. 2015 BoCs art residency, Cosenza, Italy. 2011 Xenia residency, Petruzzi collection, Pescara, Italy. SOLO EXHIBITIONS 2023 Terreno-Ultra-Terreno/2, Navid Azimi Sajadi - Joseph Beuys, Studio la Linea Verticale, Bologna, Italy. 2023 Terreno-Ultra-Terreno, Navid Azimi Sajadi - Vettor Pisani, Studio la Linea Verticale, Bologna, Italy. 2021 Sigillum, curated by Ashkan Zahraei and Giuseppe Moscatello, produced by Mondo Mostre, Castello della Zisa, Palermo, Italy. 2020 Allegorical States, Foundry-Dubai, curated by Evolve, Dubai, UAE. 2020 Oriente e Occidente. Allegorie e simboli della tradizione mediterranea, curated by L. Bellanca and A. Carlino, in collabo-razione con Mondo Mostre, monumental complex of Santa Maria Nuova, Monreale, Italy. 2019 The Bridge, Deanesi Gallery, Trento, Italy. 2019 Transfiguration Mode (Stills of peace 2019), Aria Foundation - Ducal stables Acquaviva palace, curated by Mariano Cippolini, Atri, Italy. 2019 Archway project, Kare art gallery, Istanbul, Turkey. 2018 The bridge, curated by Giorgio De Finis, MACRO (Museum of Contemporary Art of Rome), Roma, Italy. 2018 Eisegesis Act ll, Pejman Foundation, Tehran, Iran. 2018 Eisegesis Act l, Dastan Gallery (Electric Room project), Tehran, Iran. 2017 Transmogrifies, curated by Marina Guida, A01 gallery, Naples, Italy. 2014 ODDO, Azad Art Gallery, Tehran, Iran. 2013 XX crossing over, Palazzo Bevilacqua, curated by Olivia Spatola & Eli Sassoli De Bianchi, Bologna, Italy. 2013 Serafini della tortura, Studio Eos, (in collaboration with Donatella Spaziani and Piero Varoni), Rome, Italy. 2012 Camouflage, Contemporary Concept Galley, curated by Olivia Spatola Bologna, Italy. 2012 Olcay Art Gallery, Istanbul, Turkey. 2012 M.U.S.P.A.C (Experimental museum of contemporary art), curated by Martina Sconci, Aquila, Italy. 2011 Ottagono, Xenia 2011 featured artist (Elena Petruzzi collection), Pescara, Italy. 2009 False Flags, Azad Art Gallery, Tehran, Iran. 2008 PH7 Art Gallery, Rome, Italy. GROUP EXHIBITIONS 2023 CFPR Editions at Woolwich Contemporary, London. 2023 Event: Iranian Contemporary Art and Shifting Realities, curated by T.Aghdashloo, Cromwell Place, London. 2023 Segnali di vita, pop up project by Studio la Linea Verticale, Sacrestia chiesa di Montevergini, Noto. 2023 Imprint of Iran, curated by Khadjavi projrcts for London craft week, Cromwell place, London. 2023 Connective strings of resilience, Bavan gallery in collaboration with MMAP, Foundry Downtown, Dubai. 2023 Chiunque tu sia, curated by Mariano Cipollini, fondazione Aria, Pescara. 2023 I wont break-a reflection on gender violence, curated by Bebe Leone, Soho house, Roma. 2022 In drought, rhymes blossom, Foundry Downtown, Dubai, UAE. 2022 Infinitely looped over, curated by Ashkan Zahraei, Volta art Galley, Valencia, Spain. 2022 Paper: a field of Revelation, Bavan Gallery, Tehran, Iran. 2021 Manifesto, curated by Claudia Pecoraro, Museo delle Periferie, Rome, Italy. 2021 «Sight and Insight», Bavan Gallery, Tehran, Iran. 2020 Lazzaro Art Doesn't sleep, curated by Claudia Pecoraro and Laura Mega, Rome - New York - Istanbul - Paris - Mexico City. 2019 “TOMES” Williamson Gallery / Art Center College of Design, Los Angeles, USA. 2018 Resilienza art prize, Officina Ars, Villa Sistemi Reggiana, Reggio Emilia, Italy. 2018 Shortlist artists Combat Prize, Museo G Fattori, Livorno, Italy. 2018 Drawing Room, A01gallery, Madrid, Spain. 2017 Patternitecture, curated by Ghazal Refalian, Niavaran Cultural Center, Tehran, Iran. 2017 Trenta3 speaking in Vinyl, Rosso20sette arte contemporanea, Rome, Italy. 2016 Cica Museum international art contest, Gimpo, South Korea. 2016 ICA Biennale, Niavaran Art Center, Tehran, Iran. 2015 Hybridization, Madder Red & Amir Mohtashemi Gallery, curated by Dalya Islam & Farah Hakemi, London, UK. 2015 Bilotti Ruggi d’Aragona Museum, New permanent collection opening, Rende (CS), Italy. 2015 Prospettive dal Vicino Oriente, Curated by Aldo Iori, LEONESIA Fondazione Vittorio Leonesio, Puegnago del Garda, Italy. 2015 Senza centro né periferia, La Nuova Pesa Contemporary art center, Rome, Italy 2015 Centrefold Project: Spring of recession, Sazmanab Contemporary Center, Curated by Reza Aramesh and Sohrab Kashani, Tehran, Iran. 2015 Confusion, Temple University, curated by Helia Hamedani, Rome, Italy. 2014 Recalling The Future (post revolutionary Iranian Art), Brunei Gallery, curated by Aras Amiri, London, United Kingdom. 2014 The Rose and Nightingale, curated by Maneli Keykawousi, Jamm Gallery, Dubai. 2013 Speaking from the heart, curated by Shaheen Merali, Framer Framed, Amsterdam, Holland. 2013 Artisti Nomadi, curated by Helia Hamedani, MACRO Factory (ex mattatoio di Roma), Rome, Italy. 2012 The 9th Shanghai Biennale, Tehran Pavilion, Shanghai, China. 2012 Special preview of emerging Iranian art, Buhl & Amin collection, New York, USA. 2012 Artbeat istanbul, Olcayart Gallery, Istanbul, Turkey. 2011 Eyes on Asia, curated by Martina Massarente, Castello D’Albertis (Museo delle culture del mondo), Genova, Italy. 2011 The Iranian Weltanschauung, curated by Shahin Meralli, Freies Museum, Berlin, Germany. 2011 AL-GHAIB, Maraya Art Center, Sharjah, UE. 2011 MOP CAP 2011 Shortlist exhibition at Traffic gallery, Dubai, UAE. 2010 Barakat, STUX Gallery, Curated by Gaia Serena Simionati, New York, USA. 2010 Studio Stefania Miscetti, Rome, Italy. 2010 In & Out, Project B Gallery, Milan, Italy. 2009 Tawassol, Galleria Artericambi, Curated by Gaia Serena Simionati, Verona, Italy. 2009 The International Roaming Biennial of Tehran, Belgrade, Serbia. 2009 Far From Where We Came, Aran Art Gallery, Tehran, Iran. 2009 Palazzo Taverna Modigliani, Institut Archives Lègales Paris, Rome, Rome, Italy. 2009 La Vie en Noir, Museum Porta San Paolo, presented by Dario Evola and Ariel Dumont, Rome, Italy. 2008 The International Roaming Biennial of Tehran, Urban Jealousy, Berlin, Germany. 2008 Palazzo Venezia, L’arte di amare l’arte, curated by Fondazione Citta Italia, Rome, Italy. 2006 The 4th International Biennial of the Islamic World, Tehran, Iran. COLLECTIONS Getty Museum, Los Angeles, USA. Foundry Dubai, EMAAR Collection, Dubai, UAE. Bilotti Museum of Contemporary Art, Rende, Italy. Cosenza Museum of Contemporary Art, Cosenza, Italy. MU.SP.A.C (Museo Sperimentale d’Arte Contemporanea), Aquila, Italy. AGI Verona Collection, Verona, Italy. Mario Diana Foundation, Caserta, Italy. BIC Lazio Collection (Business Innovation Center), Rome, Italy. Modigliani Foundation Paris-Rome, Rome, Italy. Hittay Holding collection, Istanbul, Turkey. La Maison de Barbara Collection (Serif Kaynar Museum), Ayvalik, Turkey. Ercanlilar Collection, Istanbul, Turkey. Morhaim Collection, Istanbul, Turkey. Bilici Holding Collection, Adana, Turkey. R. Khadjavi Collection, New York, USA. Al Sabah Family Collection, London, United Kingdom. Namazi Museum Collection, Tehran, Iran. ART FAIRS 2023 Art Verona, Studio la Linea Verticale, Italy. 2022 Asia Now, Sahar k.Boluki & Simine, Paris. 2022 Asia Now, Bavan Gallery, Paris. 2022 Contemporary Iastanbul, Bavan Gallery, Turkey. 2021 ArtVerona, Paolo Maria Deanesi Gallery, Italy. 2021 Contemporary Istanbul, Bavan Gallery, Turkey. 2020 Art Dubai online, Dastan Gallery, UAE. 2019 ArtVerona, Paolo Maria Deanesi Gallery, Italy. 2019 Art Thessaloniki, Kapudag project, Greece. 2018 Art Thessaloniki, Kapudag Project, Greece. 2018 Drawing Room Madrid, A01 gallery, Spain. 2017 ArtVerona, A01 gallery, Italy. 2014 Contemporary Istanbul, Olcayart, Turkey. 2013 Contemporary Istanbul, Olcayart, Turkey. 2012 Contemporary Istanbul, Olcayart, Turkey. 2012 Beirut Art Fair, Azad Art Gallery, Beirut, Lebanon. 2011 Contemporary Istanbul, Olcayart, Turkey. 2011 Art Beat Istanbul, Olcayart, Turkey. 2009 ArtVerona, Emmeotto Gallery, Italy. BIBLIOGRAPHY 2019 Officina ARS, Villa Sistemi Reggiana edition 2018 - 2019, Reggio Emilia, Italy. 2019 222 Artisti emergenti su cui investire 2019, Exhibart edition, Rome, Italy. 2019 The Bridge project, Author: Ashkan Zahraei, Claudia Pecoraro, Publisher: MACRO asilo, Rome, Italy. 2019 Stills of peace, Author: Mariano Cippolini, Publisher: Delloiacono edizioni, Pescara, Italy. 2018 Premio Combat 2018, Ninth edition Catalog, Edited by Paolo Batoni, Silabe edition, Italy. 2016 Percorsi d'arte in Italia, Rubbettino Editore, Cosenza, Italy. 2015 Meccaniche della meraviglia 10, Leonesia Art & Massetti Rodella editori, Italy. 2015 Wunderkammer Museo Bilotti, Author: G.Covelli, Publisher: Vertigo Cosenza, Italy. 2015 ICA Biennale Peace on Paper, Author: M. Farahani, Publisher: ICA Tehran, Iran. 2015 BoCs Art for Contemporary Museum of Cosenza, Author: Albertro Dambroso, Publisher: Casa Editrice Manfredi, Italy. 2014 Recalling The Future (Post Revolutionary Iranian Art), Author: Aras Amiri, Publisher: Nazar art publisher. 2013 Contemporary Iranian Art: New Perspectives, Author: Hamid Keshmir Shekan, Publisher: Saqi Books, London, United Kingdom. 2012 Re activation, 9th Shanghai Biennale Catalogue, Publisher: The Power Station of Art, Shanghai, China. 2012 Camouflage (solo show catalogue), Author: Shaheen Merali, Publisher: Olcay editions, Italy. 2011 Al Ghaib, aesthetics of the disappearance, Author: G. S. Simionati, Publisher: Silvana Editoriale, Italy. 2010 Barakat, Author: G.S.Simionati, Publisher: Stux Gallery Editions, New York, USA. 2009 Tawasol, Author: G. S. Simionati, Publisher: Artericambi Edition, Italy. 2009 Navid Azimi Sajadi (Catalogue of solo show), Publisher: Edizione Carte Segreta, Modigliani Foundation Paris-Rome, Rome, Italy. 2008 Navid Azimi Sajadi (Catalogue of solo show), Publisher: Edizione Carte Segreta, Rome, Italy.
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